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by | Mar 23, 2013 | Divorce

I attended a settlement meeting yesterday. The clients and their attorneys met for an hour and made a good faith effort to resolve their family law dispute but were unable to bridge the gap. In the parking lot, on the way out, the former spouses began to talk once again. I watched through a window as they stood there speaking to each other.  Ninety minutes later, they came back inside and announced that they had reached a settlement.

This is what can happen if parties to a family law dispute make the effort to speak to each other openly and honestly, but also calmly, respectfully, and amicably. Sometimes the best thing the attorneys can do is just get out of the way.

Gary J. Frank is an Arizona Family Law Attorney, a Mediator, and former Judge Pro Tem with over thirty years of experience in dealing with divorce, custody, and parenting issues in Family Court. If you are in need of a consultation regarding any matter involving Family Law, contact us today. You can reach us by telephone (602-922-9989), or through our website at www.famlawaz.com. We look forward to hearing from you.


Let's Discuss Your Case - We're Here For You.

When dealing with a family matter issue, you do not have to go at it alone. Schedule your comprehensive attorney consultation now and we can discuss the entire case.

Let's Discuss Your Case - We're Here For You.

When dealing with a family matter issue, you do not have to go at it alone. Give us a call and we can discuss the entire case during a comprehensive attorney consultation.

DISCLAIMER: Over time, new laws are enacted and existing laws are often revised or taken off the books; and new appellate court cases interpreting the laws are constantly being handed down by the higher courts. The information in our blog posts was accurate when written, but because the law is always changing, that information may not be current later, when the blog post is read. Therefore, if you have a legal issue, it is best to speak with an attorney in order to assure that the information you receive is up to date.

Client Reviews

Very honest

November 2009 I retained Mr. Frank almost two years to represent me in a visitation modification filed by my ex-husband. Mr. Frank quickly and efficiently became familiar with my case and was very honest about all the potential results that could occur. I truly feel that Mr. Frank had my children’s best interests in mind…

– Judy K