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How Do I Know If I Have a High-Conflict Family Law Case in Arizona?

How Do I Know If I Have a High-Conflict Family Law Case in Arizona?

“How do I know if my case is high-conflict?” As Arizona Family Lawyers, this is a question we often get from clients—and it’s a good one. Some couples can separate on good terms and work together quickly and easily to negotiate an end to their relationship, but that scenario is definitely not the norm. Most break-ups (especially those involving children and/or substantial property) are fraught with some degree of fear, anger, and uncertainty, even those that aren’t considered “high-conflict.”...

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Child Custody and Personality Disorders in Arizona

Child Custody and Personality Disorders in Arizona

Child Custody and Personality Disorders in Arizona: It Does Not Take Two to Tango Most people think that a high-conflict divorce necessarily involves two people who are just angry and unreasonable, but that’s not always the case. When one party to a divorce suffers from a borderline, narcissistic, or other type of personality disorder, he or she can pull the entire family into a “knock-down/drag-out” situation. If you are experiencing difficulties related to child custody and personality...

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Custody Battle in Arizona – Phoenix High-Conflict Custody Attorney

Custody Battle in Arizona – Phoenix High-Conflict Custody Attorney

Facing a Custody Battle in Arizona? A High-Conflict Custody Attorney Can Help Co-parenting with a former spouse or partner can be difficult, even under the most ideal circumstances. Many factors can complicate child custody arrangements and lead to higher levels of conflict between parents. (The word “Custody” is now referred to in Arizona Family Court as Legal Decision-Making and Parenting Time but in this article, we will use the more familiar term, “custody.”) During a custody battle in...

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The fact that the Arizona Supreme Court ruled that an 1860’s Territorial law on abortion is still in effect was nothing short of shocking. This law was originally passed during the Civil War, when our country was fighting over whether a white person should continue to have the right to own and enslave black people. The law was passed at a time when women had no rights, not even the right to vote. This 160 year-old law, which has now been revived, demonstrates a similar level of intolerance and...

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Make Sure You Take Care of Yourself

Make Sure You Take Care of Yourself

The legal process can be long and arduous, whether you are in the process of seeking legal decision-making and parenting time for children, a dissolution of marriage, grandparent visitation, or a modification or enforcement of a judicial order.  At Frank Amar Matura, we understand that there is a level of endurance that is necessary to make it through the time it takes to resolve your legal matter.  Part of weathering the storm includes having a capable, hard-working and compassionate legal...

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Equalization Payments in an Arizona Divorce

Equalization Payments in an Arizona Divorce

Arizona divorce laws state that marital property generally should be divided equitably between the spouses. However, determining how to achieve equity in the division of assets can be a complex process. There may be property, like a family home or pension, that one party wishes to keep in full. In simple terms, equalization payments in an Arizona divorce can be used to compensate the spouse who is not keeping such property for their share. Marital Property Division and the Role of Equalization...

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Feelings of Shame or Failure

Feelings of Shame or Failure

It is very common for people going through divorce to feel a sense of shame or failure that the marriage did not work out. Sometimes parents who are divorcing feel like they are causing harm to their children by the act of divorcing their spouse.  These feelings can cause a parent to delay what is in their family’s best interests because they think they are supposed to “work it out” for the sake of the children. While that is sometimes possible, it is simply not always a reality. The attorneys...

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Business Valuation in Arizona Divorces: How Are Business Assets Divided

Business Valuation in Arizona Divorces: How Are Business Assets Divided

At Frank Amar Matura, we understand how challenging it can be to go through a divorce. It is emotionally draining, especially when there are complex financial matters involved. Determining the appropriate division or allocation of business assets owned by one or both spouses is one factor that can complicate matters. In this newsletter, our Phoenix divorce lawyers discuss the role of business valuation in Arizona divorces and the options for distributing or allocating business assets. The...

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An Overview of Prenuptial Agreements in Arizona

An Overview of Prenuptial Agreements in Arizona

Contemplating the potential end of your marriage before it even begins can feel uncomfortable. However, a prenuptial agreement, often referred to as a “premarital agreement” or “prenup,” is simply a financial and life planning tool, much like a will or trust. By thinking of it in this way, couples can reap the benefits of prenuptial agreements in Arizona and be better prepared for the future, whatever it holds. What You Should Know about Prenuptial Agreements in Arizona At Frank Amar Matura,...

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Property Valuation in an Arizona Divorce—Why Accurate Appraisal and Valuation Matter

Property Valuation in an Arizona Divorce—Why Accurate Appraisal and Valuation Matter

Divorce is a difficult and emotionally charged process, but it is necessary to ensure a fair and equitable division of marital property and assets when the marriage legally ends. In divorce settlements and Arizona community property division cases, accurate and reliable property appraisals are critical. The importance of accurate property valuation in an Arizona divorce cannot be overstated, as it lays the foundation for a fair and equitable division of assets in an appropriate and legal...

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Interstate Custody Laws: A Roadmap for Arizona Parents

Interstate Custody Laws: A Roadmap for Arizona Parents

When parents separate, the changes can include one or both moving to another state. If minor children are involved, divorce and post-dissolution proceedings can be substantially more stressful and complicated. Child custody disputes add a layer of complexity, and the effect is further magnified when one or more family members have moved out of state. To address these issues more efficiently, Arizona has adopted interstate custody laws and procedures that govern the process. Understanding the...

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Separate vs. Community Property in Arizona Divorces

Separate vs. Community Property in Arizona Divorces

Are you going through a divorce and wondering what assets are subject to division in the process? Or are you contemplating leaving a spouse, but are concerned you’ll be saddled with half of your ex’s small business debt? Understanding what assets are considered separate property versus community property in Arizona is an important place to start. We know that going through a divorce is stressful no matter how unhappy you are in your marriage. Divorce presents both emotional and financial...

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Relocation – What it takes to win

Relocation – What it takes to win

In 2023 Hanna Amar and Logan Matura of our firm won an important Family Court case involving a parent’s request to move out of state with the children (known as a “Relocation” case), and just this month the trial court’s decision was upheld by the Arizona Court of Appeals. Relocating out of the state, with children is one of the most difficult things to achieve in Family Court. The “Best Interest of the Children” is the standard judges use in every child custody case, including relocation...

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Parenting After Divorce- Now What?

Parenting After Divorce- Now What?

You never thought you’d be here. It certainly wasn’t the plan. A “single-mom” or “single-dad.” Maybe you have full custody; maybe you have an equal parenting time schedule. Whether your relationship after divorce with your ex is good or not, one thing is for sure: parenting is hard. And it just got harder. So now what? First thing’s first, get your perspective right. You get to be with your kids. You get to raise them the way you want on your time. You get to nurture them. You get to make them...

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Benefits of a Family Law Mediation Lawyer

Benefits of a Family Law Mediation Lawyer

In Arizona, divorce is a common reality. The state has an average of 20,000 divorces annually, with around 10% of those cases going to trial. The average length of a divorce in Arizona is 9 months, but some cases can take years to resolve. The process can be long, complicated, and emotional when a couple decides to end their marriage. It is important for both parties to understand their rights and responsibilities, as well as the different legal options available to them. If you are facing a...

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Ratings and Reviews

Client Reviews

Very honest

November 2009 I retained Mr. Frank almost two years to represent me in a visitation modification filed by my ex-husband. Mr. Frank quickly and efficiently became familiar with my case and was very honest about all the potential results that could occur. I truly feel that Mr. Frank had my children’s best interests in mind…

– Judy K